The Last Man On Earth

Recensione di “The Last Man On Earth” su Razorcake

Bella recensione della mini raccolta The Last Man On Earth (Ratgirl Records 2020), a cura del blog Razorcake/Gorsky Press, Inc.!

Formidable genre-work from Viterbo, Italy. Tight playing and well-recorded, it’s a clean four songs that include one straightforward punk jammer, a Misfits cover translated into Italian, and two alternative versions of songs that have appeared elsewhere, including the more ethereal instrumental “Slasher” that reminds me of some stuff that my dad listened to in the 1980s when New Age folks were figuring out synthesizing atmospherics, but more on the Steve Vai end of the spectrum. Not a complaint. I think my favorite part of this EP is that the insert notes which classic horror film each song is inspired by, including “The Last Man on Earth” and “Videodrome.” Wouldn’t mind if these folks put together a soundtrack to one of these à la Wizard of Oz / Dark Side of the Moon situation.