New photo session by Michela Midossi

🇮🇹 Eccovi una scelta di foto tratte dalla nuova sessione fotografica realizzata da Michela Midossi!
Da sinistra a destra, nella foto principale: The Shape (voce), The Stranger (basso), The Fog (chitarra), The Ghoul (batteria), The Blob (chitarra).

🇬🇧 Here you are a selection of pictures taken from the new photo session by Michela Midossi!
Left to right (main pic): The Shape (voice), The Stranger (bass), The Fog (guitars), The Ghoul (drums), The Blob (guitars).

The Unborn 2017
The Unborn. Picture by Michela Midossi.
The Shape
The Shape (voice). Picture by Michela Midossi.
The Fog
The Fog (guitars). Picture by Michela Midossi.
The Blob
The Blob (guitars). Picture by Michela Midossi.
The Stranger
The Stranger (bass). Picture by Michela Midossi.
The Ghoul
The Ghoul (drums). Picture by Michela Midossi.


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